As a spa owner I have spent quite a bit of time on my knees looking for jewelry that has been misplaced when guests have removed it to get a Spa treatment.  And often the question I am asked, is, ‘Can’t I just keep it on?’ Well the short answer is No, and here is why; the reason you are asked to remove your jewelry for a Facial, is usually for your own safety. 

Facials may seem like a passive pastime, but while you are laying there, quite a bit is going on. From Steam that can heat up facial piercings (ouch!), to hot towel’s that could get caught in piercings (yikes) to massage oil that could cause rings to fall off now or later. Not to mention that Jewelry can be an impediment to the Therapist being able to do her job, which usually includes a Facial massage. 

Of course you can take off your jewelry, and most Spas will give you a locker to place your items in. Side note: I once spent an afternoon attempting to climb BEHIND a locker. The guest had placed her pocketbook on top of, rather than inside, and somehow it had slid down into a corner gap. I eventually hooked the strap with an umbrella handle and retrieved the item for the client, but she had to wait for over an hour while we retrieved it, not a super relaxing end to her Spa visit.

  So yes, you can remove your jewelry, and place it somewhere safe which seems like a simple solution, right? Unfortunately what often happens is that we reach the first available place, our Robe pocket. This is a mistake, I can’t tell you how often I have received a frantic call that something valuable was left in a Robe pocket. Sadly in most cases, the item will have gone straight into the wash cycle, and might even have made it to the dryer. Oftentimes IF we find it, it is the worse for wear (every effort is of course made to shake out robes prior to washing them and with this issue in mind I would advise Spa Owners to purchase robes that DO NOT have pockets). 

But with so many ways your Jewelry can go astray, and with most Spas having a policy that includes ‘we are not responsible for lost or damaged items during your visit’ for your peace of mind, it’s worth leaving your Jewelry at home so you can focus on what you came for in the first place, rest and relaxation!

Simple Skin Spa is an Womens- Only Luxury Day Spa located in Maspeth, Queens New York. With a focus on Skincare, we also offer Massage - Waxing- Body Treatments-Tinting-Waxing-Lash Lifts and Airbrush Tan. We provide Luxury Kashwere Robes for you to lounge in plus a Relaxation area stocked with Herbal tea and snacks for you to enjoy before and after your treatments.

What are you waiting for? Book your Spa Escape HERE today


Do I Have To Take Off My Clothes For A Facial?